You'll find links to various political parties supporting animal, environmental and social justice issues, not-for-profits, and other relevant and informative links as we discover them.

Political Parties

Animal Justice Party Australia Australia's only political party dedicated to protecting all animals.

Animal Welfare Party UK The UK Political Party for People, Animals and the Environment.

Party for the Animals Netherlands The first successful political party in the world that does not put the short-term interests of man in the pivotal position, but the entire planet and all her inhabitants instead.

Animal Justice Party Aotearoa New Zealand Aotearoa's newest political party, the Animal Justice Party is committed to advocating for animal welfare and animal rights.

List of other Animal Rights parties around the globe.

The Australian Greens are a political party based of 4 key principles: Ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy, social justice, and peace and non-violence.

The Green Party of England and Wales Since 1973 the Green Party has been leading the way on action to tackle the climate crisis and nature crisis. They have argued powerfully and persuasively that rapid economic development, powered by fossil fuels and the pursuit of profit, is damaging people and planet and there must be a transition to a green future.

The Green Party New Zealand/Aaotearoa has led the way on tackling climate change, reducing inequality and protecting nature.

The European Green Party brings together national parties from across the European continent that share the same Green values and political priorities: The climate and environment, social justice, wellbeing, peace and democracy.


Animals Australia values inform everything they do, guiding their path to a world where kindness, compassion and respect extend to all living beings.

Voiceless envisions a just, equitable world where animals can flourish. Their Grant’s Program supports impactful initiatives in line with this vision.

Animal Free Science Advocacy Their vision is a future where no animals are harmed in the name of science, and scientific progress is advanced through animal-free research methods.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is dedicated to saving and improving human and animal lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. Their vision is to create a healthier world where health and compassion are central values in science and medicine.

Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. They support the vegan community, inform the general public about the principles of veganism, and present a strong voice for veganism to governments, institutions, corporations, and the media. 


The Winsome Constance Kindness trust was founded by Philip Wollen OAM. Phil is a “Venture Capitalist for Good Causes”, supporting some 500 mission-critical projects in 40+ countries. The trust supports many projects and organisations across the world that seek to help human or non-human animals.