We, The Brave Magazine is an independent publication launched in February 2024 by Silva Mirovics. Silva is a long time vegan, author of Handbook for the Aussie Vegan, writer, public speaker, and yogi.

Our Mission:

We, The Brave Magazine was created to help every Activist and aspiring Ethical/Eco Leader excel and effect positive change in the world.

Our magazine, and community, support YOU to develop the important skills of conscious leadership, build personal brand awareness, cultivate resilience, and thrive through personal growth.

"The idea behind We, The Brave has been running through my heart and soul since September 2023. It came to me during a meditation. My initial idea was to turn it into a book. But after speaking with a friend, I realised I could harness the power of my idea, and turn into an online publication. So here goes!" ~ Silva.

Subscribing is FREE!

➡️ When you subscribe you'll get full access to the publication, including monthly interviews, short self-care audio messages, ability to join our community and add your thoughts and comments on articles, vegan recipes, global updates, and a weekly newsletter highlighting all the new content added during the week.

We put a lot of work into this online publication, so that you can learn, grow and be your best self, and save the World. We thank our contributing writers for their knowledge and time to help our publication grow. Thank you!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention - this publication is 100% ad-free. That means, no ads, pop-ups, or affiliate marketing links to distract you from your mission.

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When you subscribe, you'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before, and everything that's still to come. Your very own private library. To find out more, check out our Guidelines page.

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Look out for articles, self-care audios, video interviews, live online sessions, & delish vegan recipes to nourish your body, mind and soul.

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Join a community of other subscribers who share the same interests, and a common mission. When you subscribe, you also get to be a part of our community, and share your thoughts on all our posts.